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15 Things Every Hen Party Should Do

15 Things Every Hen Party Should Do


They old traditions have mostly gone, the L-plates, the veils, something old, something new… We’ve all moved on a little bit. But that doesn’t mean you can’t start a few hen party traditions of your own. Laughing, singing, dancing, drinking too many cocktails, these are the rites of passage for any pre-wedding sisterhood. Here’s GoHen’s check list of party pleasures that make every pre-wedding weekend complete.

Get ready together…

Getting ready for a big night out is half the fun. Singing, dancing, deciding what to wear, plus a few pre-drinks drinks.

Laugh at nothing in particular…

Real friends are just on the same weird wave length. In fact, it’s the weirdness that holds you together.

Share a few cocktails…

Not drinking cocktails at a hen party? That’s against the law, isn’t it? Well if it isn’t it should be!

Cocktail Mixing Hen Do

Eat too much…

Because calories don’t count on holiday.

Look at old photos of the bride…

You were there through her teenage years and somehow you let her go out in public with that hair!

Relive the memories

This is one of those occasions when you’ll relive the old times and maybe shed a tear.

Try something completely new…

It could be a dance class, it could be bungee jumping while playing a harp, whatever takes your fancy, hen parties are the perfect time to do something new/crazy.

Hen Party Inspiration

Pamper yourselves…

After weeks of wedding planning it could be just what you all need.

Drink tequila…

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, four. Five tequila, six tequila, seven tequila, floor!

Watch a sunrise…

Have you ever stayed up until dawn just to watch the sunrise? It’s a truly magical experience best shared with friends.

Take too many selfies…

At least you’ll be able to reconstruct the previous night’s events by the evidence gathered on your phone. Just pray you weren’t posting drunk.

Group toilet trips…

The more women in any group, the more of them need to go to the bathroom together. One of our many powers that confuse and scare men.

Dance like no one is watching…

Sing like no one is listening…

Order cake like it’s running out…

Well it could happen and who wants to take that kind of risk?

Hen Party Handbook

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