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Hen party dares are a great ice-breaker and really can help get the party started. Done well, it's all good fun – you'll create plenty of giggles and a truly memorable night that the bride-to-be will always look back on fondly.
It can also be the source of some great hen weekend tales.
Want to go all out?
We'd recommend Tipsy Chicken (a hilarious dares game for adults).
Hen Party Dare Cards
You can write your own hen night dares as cards or you can use the dares below.
Making your own can be so much more fun and you can ask all the group for dare suggestions ahead of the weekend, then simply print them out ahead of the big celebration.
Hen Party Dare Categories
- Random Dares
- Video Dares
- Photo Dares
- Challenge Dares
- Speed Dares
Here are 70 of our favourite hen party dares...
Random Dares
- Por favor! - Order a drink in a foreign accent.
- Stalk - Ask someone for their autograph.
- How are you? - Descend on a stranger and act as if you have known them from years ago reminiscing about "old times".
- Oscar-winner - Try and convince a stranger that you are someone famous.
- Digits - Get a guy's phone number.
- Woowoo! - Drink a Woowoo.
- Charades - Pick a hen to help you and then act out a scene from a famous movie.
- Hidden Parts - Build a man's sexual anatomy from found items.
- Swapsies - Exchange a piece of clothing with a man.
- Can't Say No - For the next 30 minutes, you cannot say "No" to anything.
- Bar-ly know him! - Kiss a barman.
- Blow It - Blow a kiss to a random stranger across the room.
- Honesty - The bride will ask you any question she likes, and you must answer honestly.
- Abracadabra – Convince someone to watch you do a magic trick, but don't actually do one.
- The Cube – Put an ice cube down your back and let it melt.
Video Dares
Lights, camera, action – you're gonna want to make sure someone films these!
- I love this one! - When the next song is played, jump up and shout "I love this one" and then sing and dance your heart out on the dance floor.
- Serenade - Serenade a stranger.
- Serenader - Get a stranger to serenade you.
- Serenade Her - Get a stranger to serenade the bride-to-be.
- Tell me more, tell me more... - Randomly burst into your favourite song from Grease.
- Freak out! - Do random, energetic, freestyle dancing for one minute.
- Musical - For the next 5 minutes, everything you say must be sung.
- Strictly - Choreograph a dance with two other hens then perform it. You have 5 minutes!
- Dance now! - Do the chicken/robot dance in the middle of the dance floor.
- Chat Up - Buy a hot looking guy a drink.
- "Hey Sexy" - Say 'hey sexy' to 3 people you don't know
- Quote - Walk up to a guy a say a line from a song as if it's a conversation starter.
- Mime - Pretend to be a mime – bonus points if you get an audience
- Oui, monsieur! – Convince a stranger you're from a different country (let's hear those accents!)
- Don't I know you – Convince a stranger you know them
Photo Dares
Cameras at the ready!
- Photobomb - Get in the background of three strangers photos.
- Say "Cheese" - Ask someone to take a picture of you but with their own camera.
- Pretty Boy - Get a man to let you give him a makeover.
- Officer and a Gentleman - Get a photo of you with a man in uniform.
- Huggies - Hugging a doorman.
- Tit for Tat - Wearing someone else's hat.
- Chest in Case - Get a photo with a man's bare chest.
- Hairy Mary - Get a photo with a hairy chest.
- Guns - Get a photo with the most muscular arms you can find.
- Spice Boys - A photo with 5 different guys – one sporty, one posh, one ginger, one baby and one scary.
- Poser - Pose provocatively in front of a nice car.
- Plank - Get a picture planking in a weird place.
- Layers - Get a photo wearing as many layers as possible
- Behind Bars - Get a photo behind a bar
- Album Cover – Snap an album cover-style photo

Challenge Dares
- Down in One - Down your drink in one go.
- Alpha-bet - Bet you can't say the alphabet backwards in under a minute.
- Hen Party's Got Talent - Show the group your secret talent.
- Accentuate - Talk to a stranger in a foreign accent – if he susses you out, take another dare.
- Thinly Veiled - Make a veil for the bride out of loo roll or anything else you can find.
- Crowning Glory - Make a crown for the hen party organiser.
- Digits - Get as many guys' phone numbers as you can in 10 minutes.
- Strictly Business - Get a guy's business card.
- Get Bridal - Over the course of the evening, you must find something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.
- Dance-Off - Challenge a stranger to a dance-off (bonus points if you win.
- Film Titles - Chat to someone and drop as many film titles in as possible before you get rumbled.
- Song Titles - As above - chat to someone and drop as many song titles in as possible before you get rumbled.
- Free Drink - Get a stranger to buy you a drink (bonus if they buy the bride a drink, too)
- Must Dash - Get a picture with as many guys with moustaches as you can in 30 mins
- Selfie – Go head-to-head with another hen and upload an awful selfie to your social channels and see who gets the most likes in the next hour
You can also make a game of your hen party dares by telling the hens each one is now a race.
Quick Dares
- Queenie - Find a picture of the queen (a coin, stamp or pound coin will do!)
- Jaws - Find a set of teeth (comb, brush or zip)
- Picture Perfect - The rudest drawing
- Man-sized - An actual man-sized man (bonus points if he's hot and single)
- Leaf It Out! - The biggest leaf
- Naughty Girls! - Something penis-shaped (not an actual penis!).
- Kiss Off - Kiss a stranger on the cheek
- Push Up - Wherever you are, smash out ten push-ups
- First Impressions - Go up to a randomer, ask them a question, then try and impersonate them repeating back what they said to you
- Sizzling - Ask the hens to guess what food you are before you lie on the floor and pretend to be a sizzling bit of bacon.
The Hen Challenge T-Shirt
Rather than setting hen do dares for all the group, you could simply set out a set of challenges for the guest of honour to complete.
The challenges should then be listed on a T-shirt (you can have a T-shirt made or get creative and make your own) for the bride-to-be to wear.
As she rises to each challenge, you can tick it off the list on her shirt.
Play nicely! Now while we hate to be party-poopers (after all, here at GoHen, we love to party and have helped over 700,000 clients enjoy fantastic hen weekends), we always say you should have hen do fun without upsetting strangers.
Not everyone will be in such high party spirits and other people might find a large, loud group intimidating.
Hen do dares should be fun, but, in the wrong hands, they can be the cause for unwanted problems.
So, party with gusto, have a great time, but when you're singing like no one can hear you, try to make sure it's somewhere suitable so no one can hear you (unless it's karaoke, in which case give it full beans).
Make anyone you meet feel part of your jokes and not the butt of them. Make friends, party hard and have the time of your lives!
With that said, let's start planning a hen do!