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Add a little bit of alcohol, your favourite hens and some hen party drinking games and you have a recipe for a fabulous night of fun. Here's a whole handbag full of games to help get your party started.
10 Hilarious Hen Party Drinking Games
- 4 Queens - A game to take you from drinking queens to dancing queens!
- Guess Who - A game of secrets, laughs and "I don't believe it!".
- Hot Shots - It's like Russian roulette, with added booze.
- Drink If... - It's time to 'fess up in the classic drinking game.
- Read All About It - A cheeky game where you'll write your own hen story.
- Lie Detector - It's hen against hen in this quick question shoot out.
- Two Truths & A Lie - Can you spot the lies from the truths?
- Play-Doh Pictionary - Ahhhh yes... This is where things get a bit silly!
- Universally Challenged - Fingers on buzzers, wrong answers equals drinks.
- Confessions Of A Bridesmaid - The truth, the whole truth and nothing but.
- Would You? - Snogging questions that everyone can join in with.
Drink Responsibly
Hens, remember to drink responsibly. Change the games to suit your limits and pace yourselves. No one wants to be a party pooper because you overdid the drinking games... we want to be celebrating all weekend!!
4 Queens
You'll need...
A deck of cards.
How to play...
Deal out a pack of cards, keep watching for the queens as they are dealt...
- 1st Queen - picks the drink
- 2nd Queen - orders the drink
- 3rd Queen - pays for the drink
- 4th Queen - drinks the drink
Drinking Card Games
You'll need...
Your favourite from the list below and booze
Some of our favs...
Guess Who
You'll need...
Pen and paper, a hat (or an empty pint glass will also do) and some shots.
How to play...
- Each hen writes a secret about herself on a piece of paper, then folds it up and drops it in the hat/glass
- The first player picks a secret out of the bag and tries to guess whose secret it is
- If they guess the correct hen, then that hen has to take a shot. If the player guesses wrong, she has to down the shot.

Hot Shots
You'll need...
Funky shot glasses, bottle(s) of spirits, water.
How to play...
- Line up a set of shot glasses (enough for each hen)
- Fill some of the glasses with water, the rest of the glasses should be filled with a clear spirit (vodka, tequila, gin).
- Switch the glasses around so the hens won't know which is which.
Drink if...
You'll need...
Full glasses
How to play...
- The games master should prepare some risqué questions for the hens to confess to. Such as "Have you ever had sex in a public place?"
- The questions can be as tame or as wild as you like.
- The games mistress (you) will then ask for people to confess until all the girls have pleaded guilty (or are too drunk to confess anymore)'ve had sex in a public place.'ve ever slept with a work colleague.'ve ever taken revenge on an ex.'ve been caught having sex.'ve caught someone else having sex.'ve ever been in trouble with the police.'ve ever lied to a boyfriend. own more than 20 pairs of shoes.'ve ever flirted with your boss.'ve used your feminine charms to get what you want.'ve had a toyboy.'ve kissed someone 15 years older than you.'ve kissed someone younger than you.
For more questions, we'd recommend this printable version.
Lie Detector
You'll need...
A bottle of spirits
How to play...
- Two of the hens will come forward and face each other, standing on either side of the 'Lie Line', and one hen will ask the other a question
- One hen will make a declaration about herself I have never danced naked on a beach. The other play must guess if it is the truth or a lie
- If she is wrong, she must drink. If she is right, the other player must drink
Two Truths & A Lie
You'll need...
Some well-oiled hens
How to play...
- Each player takes it in turn to tell two truths and a lie
- The rest of the ladies must then work out which one is the lie
- If they get it right, the liar takes a drink. If they get it wrong, then the rest of the group must take a drink.
Take a look at these pretty Two Truths and One Lie Templates.
Play-Doh Pictionary
You'll need...
Pieces of paper with the names of objects and some Play-doh
How to play...
- Split the hens into teams
- A player from each team will be shown an object card
- Those players must then make the object out of Play-Doh as quickly as possible for their teams to guess.
- The first team to guess will win the point, while the losers all take a drink
- The next players in each team then do the making
Object cards
- A wedding bouquet
- A horse
- The Leaning Tower of Pisa
- A mobile phone
- A swan
- A cowboy hat
- The Eiffel Tower
- A penis
- A pair of handcuffs
- A rose
- A wine glass

Confessions of a Bridesmaid
You'll need...
How to play...
- All the girls are allowed to ask any question of any hen they choose
- To get them to confess to something they might have done in their past "Have you ever..."
- The player can only answer "Yes" or "No".
- If they answer "Yes," they must take a drink
- If they answer "No," the player asking the question must take a drink.
Would You?
You'll need...
Plenty of good looking guys
How to play...
- The bride-to-be will point at a good looking guy in the room
- The hens must then decide if they would snog him or not by which glass they hold their drink in. Right hand for "Yes," left hand for "No".
- The bride will count up how many nos and how many yesses
- The group with the lowest number must take a swig of their drink
Hen party drinking games are a great way to break the ice if none of the hens know each other particularly well. It's also a great way to get the girls relaxed before a big night out.
Hen drinking games can be enjoyed in the comfort of your hen party self-catering accommodation or in a fun bar. Wherever you decide to play, always remember to drink responsibly and with consideration for those around you.